Wednesday, 06 July 2011

Top 8 Tips to Lose Weight

We are proud to introduce our first dietitian guest blogger, Danny Hambloch. Danny is a private practicing dietitian with practices in Illovo and Edenvale.  She is currently doing her masters degree in nutrigenomics, the study of the relationships between dietary factors and a person's individual genes. Danny offers us her top tips to lose (and maintain) a healthy weight this winter. 
Contact Danny at

   1. Eat small frequent meals and never skip meals.
Try to eat 3 main meals per day with healthy snacks in between. Always remember to watch your portion sizes!

2. Your daily diet should include high fiber options.
E.g. whole-grain low GI bread, oats, beans, brown rice.

3. Consume at least 5 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
Remember that fruits contain fructose, a simple sugar, so try not to consume more than 2 fruits per day, and increase your intake of vegetables instead.

4. Cut down on your intake of red meat.
Rather choose lean protein options like skinless chicken, fish, lentils and legumes.

5. When it comes to dairy, low fat or fat free is the way to go.

6. Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day.
This is especially important during the winter months as we tend to neglect our intake of water.

7. Start an exercise regime as soon as possible.
Forty minutes on most days of the week – work up a sweat and get your heart beating.

8. Allow yourself to enjoy a treat guilt free once per week.

Look out for some delicious fruit and vegetable recipes to make sure you get your 5-a-day, coming this Friday.


  1. I know I've picked up a few kgs this winter- extra padding for the cold!

  2. There is no excuse as to why we should pick up the extra kgs....choose healthy comfort food options rather than those that are gonna cause the additional winter padding :)Remember with the return of spring, so our winter woolies disappear and we are left with clothing items that do not cover the excess weight as well as those long jerseys. Think of eating badly in winter as an expense as you will need to purchase a whole new closet of clothes that are 1 size up!
