Thursday, 09 June 2011

TEA-PARTY survival guide!

How often do you have to ditch a lovely ladies tea-party out of pure anxiety that your bikini-ready body might take a knock?
Here is the Good Life survival guide to help you enjoy your cake while still staying fabulous!
This first post on the topic is to give you the background information. We will keep you posted as we put these tips to the test!

Before the party:   
Many think that depriving themselves for the whole period prior to the party will help save some calories. Beware! You might actually get so hungry that your intentions of having a teeny weenie slice of cake might just fly out the door at the first sight of that tempting chocolate cake delight!
Good Life Dietitians recommend:
-    Eat something filling but healthy before the party so that you do not eat the cake to satisfy hunger, but rather just to sooth your sweet tooth
-    This snack might include a small tub of low fat yogurt and a fruit, a piece of wholegrain toast with cottage cheese or a spoon of peanut butter or Provita snacks.

The choice is too big! I want a bit of everything!

The tea table is filled to the brim with scrumptious snacks and luscious cakes. Where to begin:
-    Choose a small plate
-    Fill up at least half of the plate with fresh fruit and vegetables, if they are available. Add some cottage cheese or low fat hummus to enhance taste
Salty snacks:
-    Stay away from pastries as far as possible. This includes croissants, mini pies, cheese puffs, sausage rolls and anything else containing pastry.
-    Phyllo pastry is low in fat, and is preferred over normal puff or short crust pastry. But keep an eye on the filling
-    Ask the hostess about the fillings of e.g mini-pitas, pancakes and phyllo parcels. Listen out for key words such as cheese, cheese sauce, cream and mayonnaise. Avoid those as far as possible
-    Crackers and biscuits are often full of fat and salt, so restrict yourself to no more than 3.
-    Choose dips such as tzatzitki, avocado dip, olive tapenade or low fat hummus.
-    If you have a choice, avoid condiments such as mayonnaise, cream, cream cheese, mushroom- or cheese sauces. These will just pile on the calories
-    Lean chicken skewers, beef sosaties and tiny beef meat-balls (in small quantities) are great
-    Sausages and bacon can be labeled as a “no-go-zone”!
-    Don’t let the name of a “spinach quiche” fool you and keep your slice small, as it is often full of cream, eggs, feta and pastry
Sweet stuff
-    When it comes to cakes: cheese cake, milk tart, pavlova with fresh fruit and lemon meringue might be a better choice than chocolate cake, cup cakes, cream- and mousse cakes as it contains less fat. (This does not mean that you can go wild!)
-    A very good idea is to scrape off the icing from cake (very discreetly). This butter icing is more sinful than the actual cake itself!
-    Stay away from buttery scones where possible. If unavoidable, only eat half, skip the cream and go easy on the amount of jam.

Portion sizes

As for all others thing in life,  the same rule applies: Everything in moderation!
-    Portion control is key!
-    Avoid eating a large piece of cake, whatever type or flavor. Cut it yourself or if an over-sized piece is passed your way, offer to share with a friend
-    As previously mentioned, pack your plate with fresh produce so that there is absolutely NO SPACE for an over-sized slice of the tempting peppermint-crisp tart!

Quenching your thirst

From luxury coffees to lovely teas and refreshing drinks, make your smart choice by using these tips:
-   Fill up on water with ice and lemon. This will quench your thirst so you don’t confuse thirst for hunger.
-   You are free to over-indulge in aromatic teas in pretty cups. Just remember to give the sugar a skip.
-   Use low fat milk where possible
-   Skip the cappuccino or the odd latte and opt for normal coffee where you can control the portion of milk
-   Stay away from sugary juices or alternatively dilute your juice with sparkling water
-   Same goes for alcohol. If you must, dilute it with some sparkling water and stay within the limit of just 1 drink per day for ladies

To conclude we need to comment that there is a place for a tea-party treat in a well balanced diet where you eat healthy most days of the week and include frequent exercising.
When you don’t pitch up hungry, make smart choices and control your portions, you will have the best of both worlds!

Do you have a tea-party coming up? Let us know if you used one or more of our tips.

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