Tuesday, 25 October 2011

MIND your Health

October is filled with so many health awareness campaigns. Together with Breast Cancer and Osteoporosis, in the month of October the world also celebrated 
Mental Health Awareness month.

Did you know that mental health is treated with a multidisciplinary approach, meaning that mental health can only be effectively treated when a group of professionals work together? These may include psychologists, psychiatrists and even nutrition specialists such as dietitians.
Risk factors for neurological disorders may include stroke, hypertension, head injuries, aging, depression and a family history. For any mental disorders the cause is unknown and there is no warning, therefore we should do everything we can to prevent any neurological disturbance or mental illness.

Amino acids are the building blocks of all neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters should transport the message between the body and the brain. Make sure you get enough lean protein in your daily diet by including lean red meat, chicken, fish and plenty of beans or legumes.

Antioxidant intake
Food should be nutrient-dense. This means that it should be rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, selenium and folate which have benefits to cognitive (brain) functioning. To get optimal amounts of antioxidants use fruits and vegetables with a rich colour such as blueberries,  strawberries, spinach, broccoli and citrus fruits.to reduce oxidative stress in the brain.

Good fats
Get your omega 3’s to reduce oxidative stress and damage to neurons by eating 2 to 3 portions weekly of salmon, trout and tuna. A daily fish oil capsule may also help.

Chocolate and alcohol
The good news is that cocoa and red wine contains flavanols which may increase blood flow to the brain. If you opt to have the wine, allow yourself only 1 alcohol containing beverage per day.

Cooper has been shown to have beneficial effects too! Find this nutrient in liver, shellfish, nuts, dried beans, legumes, eggs, prunes and potatoes.

Adequate fluids
Never dehydrate your brain. Make sure that you drink sufficient amounts of water and limit your intake of caffeine which may dehydrate your system.

1.       Ferrari CKB. Functional foods, herbs and nutraceuticals: towards biochemical mechanisms of healthy aging. 2004
2.       Escott-Stump. Nutrition and diagnosis related care. 6th edition.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing those points to better mental health. This is really informative as well as an interesting post to read that everyone should keep in mind.
