Monday, 13 August 2012

Confused about Infant Formula?

Many non-breastfeeding mothers are confused by the types of infant formula on the market and will often go by the word of a friend’s recommendation or hop along milk brands just to be left unsatisfied.
Why should you change the infant formula that your infant  is currently using?
-        Hygiene conditions
-        Indigestion, fussiness and colic symptoms
-        Reflux
-        Lactose intolerance (symptoms such as severe skin rash, chronic diarrhea)
-        Cow’s milk allergy
-        Soy milk allergy
What should I choose?
Hygiene: A major problem and cause of diarrhoea in young infants is the preparation of infant formula. These days acidified formulas are available- they are more resistant to bacterial contamination and will work well when you find yourself in an unhygienic environment or just as a safety measure. NAN Pelargon or Melegi will be the most popular on the market. They can be used form birth until 1 year.
For a full term baby, with no known signs or symptoms of intolerance, a standard full term feed will be the place to start. Nan 1, Infacare 1, Novolac 1 are just to name a few.
Reflux or “spitup”: Products that thicken to form a gel once it reaches the stomach will reduce vomiting or reflux. These might also be symptoms of indigestion and newer formulas will say that better digested formula will reduce “spit-up”.
For indigestion without confirmed intolerance or allergy, the market is leaning more towards easier digestion leading to a peaceful baby without the symptoms of colic, restlessness and constantly battling with bloatedness and gass. This may include the brand new Similac Total comfort or the soy formula Isomil may also reduce these symptoms if soy is a preference.
For a baby with symptoms of intolerance to Lactose in milk a Lactose Free Feed would do: Infacare Lactose Free or NAN LF (Lactose Free). This does NOT mean that the milk is free from Cow’s milk but the Lactose component has simply been replaced.
An infant with tested and confirmed Cow’s Milk Allergy would need a formula that is free of Cow’s milk. This is where a lactose free formula would not do the trick and we have to stay clear of any formula based on cow’s milk. Examples are Infasoy and Isomil. Soya products are safe to use from birth onwards despite the previous health concerns.

We still recommend that Breast is Best. If you are considering a switch from one milk to another, do so with careful consideration and use credible information obtained from a dietitian. The changing of infant formula should be in the best interest of your baby and not merely because of a persuasive sale rep or word of mouth

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