Tuesday, 03 July 2012

Keeping that tummy flat and beach ready all year round

We now know that targeting specific muscle groups, such as the abs for a flat tummy or the glutes for a tight toosh, is not an effective approach to weight loss. You can do all the crunches in the world but it won’t be effective until you aim to lose overall body fat with a healthy diet and daily exercise.

Melons are one of our favourite refreshing treats. It is packed with fiber and water, both of which helps and work together to regulate intestinal health and bowel regularity. Be sure to watch portion sizes in this higher GI food. When they are not in season, try pineapple- also an intermediate GI fruit packed with fiber and water.  

Whole-grain breads
Fibre helps to bulk up the intestinal volume and sweep the colon clean. A lack of fibre will lead to constipation that causes bloating.Up your intake of fibre by swapping your white bread with a whole-grain or whole-wheat bread, and swap cornflakes for a high fibre cereal like All-bran or oats.   
Wine is known to be good for heart health because of the ingredient respiritrol. However, remember that it still contributes to daily energy intake and is packed with calories.
Good Bacteria

These bacteria will help to restore the natural flora balance in the gastro intestinal tract, help with digestion and keep the bloat away. Get yours in plain natural yogurt or opt for a probiotic supplement. We hope that all the Good Life readers are taking their dose of probiotics.
Artificial sweeteners   

The benefit of sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners is that they add sweetness to a meal without adding kilojoules. This is particularly useful in weight control and also as part of the diabetic diet. There is little direct scientific evidence showing negative long-term effects of sweeteners on overall health. However there is concern about large volumes of nutritive sweetener intakes. Sweeteners such as Sorbitol and xylitol are often the culprits in causing diarrhoea, abdominal discomfort and bloating.


Remember that sufficient water intake is vital to prevent that your body keeps back every last drop that it gets which leads to bloating. Fiber also needs enough water to work efficiently in keeping the intestines clean. From summer to winter aim for your 40ml/kg/day. This will keep your tummy in tip top non-bloated shape.
Read more about hydration requirements here

Processed foods
Salt is a big culprit of bloating. Salt is added to foods and food products to improve on taste and flavour, increasing shelf life by preventing bacterial growth, is used as a preservative, enhances sweetness in baked goods, and disguises chemical aftertastes in soft drinks. Because of these properties salt is found in large amounts in take-away and pre-packaged and/or processed foods. Salt in its turn, causes water retention, a no-no for your belly.

Limit your intake of processed foods like processed meats (polony, ham, viennas, Russians, sausages, bacon, frankfurters), processed cheese, take-aways and fast food, ready-prepared and frozen meals, packet and tinned soups, sauces and gravy
Choose low-salt and salt-free options and keep well hydrated to beat the bloat!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Thanks for porting this :Keeping that tummy flat and beach ready all year round"

    So helpful Tips.
