Thursday, 28 June 2012

Keeping up the pace in Winter

During the week I was busy motivating a patient to exercise when she asked me very directly what keeps ME motivated when it is so freezing cold. There and then I started to think. Even on my afternoon run I had to think about this and this is what I came up with:

1. Having a goal:
The GLD has said this before and will say it again. Set a goal within a given time frame. Without a deadline it is difficult to stick to an exercise regime. Remember that goals are different in winter compared to summer. Winter is for maintenance of the work done in summer. When summer comes again, you will be able to put in the extra work.

2. Having a running buddy:
When my previous running buddy got injured I could see the lack of motivation and how skipping a few runs were not an issue. Having someone who also depends on you for exercise help you to stick to your workouts even when it is freezing

3. Social networks:
The one thing that really motivates me is fitness, running and cycling magazines and sites which I follow via Facebook or Twitter. This way I know how other members of the running community is doing. Some will head outdoors in the darkest winter mornings where others will declare that they are not brave enough. Support, ideas and loads of inspiration- I get fired up just by reading comments, statuses and tweets. We can recommend: Runners World SA, Fitsugar and Bicycling magazine.

4. Head indoors:
Kick up the pace with group fitness classes or hit the treadmill when weather is unbearable.

5. Getting into workout clothes:
The patient mentioned that getting out of her working clothes, and into her workout gear (especially her sports bra) was a mission when she is already freezing. We suggested getting the correct clothes as a bottom layer even to work. Check out this post on how to wear your workout outfit to work without anyone noticing

Remember that when we lose our fitness during winter, it will be much harder to get into action when summer comes around. Get out there! There are many others who are also cold- but they are out there exercising!

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