Monday, 23 January 2012

Managing an upset tummy

Summer time brings bugs in abundance. Heat and moisture is the ideal environment for germs to grow and make your baby or child sick, even for a few days. Here are some tips on managing your child's upset stomach

Toddlers diarrhoea is basic the same as chronic diarrhoea, causes can be by high intake of sugar, milk and fatty foods or an imbalance of the intestinal flora.

The following dietary guidelines must be supplemented with a probiotic flora, which are usually defined as: “ Live microorganisms, indigenous to the human intestinal tract, which when consumed in adequate quantities improve the intestinal microbial balance and positively affect the functioning of the human intestinal tract and general health” Examples of probiotics are Kiddie forte, Probiflora Paed, Creche Guard, Reuteri straws or chew tablets or Reuteri drops

General rules in Diarrhoea lasting more than 1 day:

  1. Give 6 smaller, more frequent meals through the day instead of 3 big meals
  2. Never keep children away from any food to try and prevent diarrhoea. Regular intake of small portions of foods helps to protect the digestive system.
  3. Never force children to eat a meal if they do not feel like eating, rather give smaller healthy snacks.
  4. Avoid foods and drinks with a high sugar content, like sweets, puddings, cold drink ( fizzy and mixed with water), jam. Diet too high in sugar can worsen the diarrhoea. Restrict sugar intake to max 2 – 3 tsp daily.
  5. Restrict the intake of fresh fruit, fruit juices and dried fruit to 1 fruit or ½ cup unsweetened fruit juice ( Liqui fruit) diluted with purified water on a 1:1 basis. Fruits allowed are: grated apple with no skin and allowed to get a bit brown.
  6. The digestive tract cannot digest milk and milk products with diarrhoea, follow the following guidelines for a lactose free diet:

·       Use soya milk, soya cheese ( Woolworths)
·       After diarrhoea, small quantities milk can be introduced again
·       If milk is allowed ( by Dr/ dietician), it needs to be given with solid foods, to reduce the stress on the digestive system
·       Low fat yogurt ( smooth) is allowed, because the lactose is already broken down to its acid form
·       Lactose free formula milk is available: AL 110, S26 LF, Nestle alfare or NAN pelargon, Isomil, Infasoy or for children older than 1 year: Paediasure or Nutren Junior which are also Lactose Free.

  1. Sometimes the digestion and absorption of gluten ( the protein in wheat) can be disturbed. The intake of gluten needs to be restricted. Gluten is present in most wheat products and also in rye products and less in oats products. Foods like potatoes ( no skins) overcooked rice and sweet potato (no skins) are allowed. Include oats porridge or Jungle oat bran on a weekly basis ( good soluble fibre).

  1. Gas forming vegetables must be avoided, that includes: cabbage family, onions, green beans, cucumber, lettuce. Veggies allowed: pumpkin, gem squash, baby marrow, patty pans, carrots.

  1. Avoid any skins and pips and whole wheat products like: kiwi fruit, strawberries ( fruit and jam) grapes, fig (fruit and jam), peas, corn, legumes ( baked beans, lentils), nuts, seeds, products containing whole kernels.

  1. Include any soft cuts of meat, fish and chicken, cut it fine and mix with gravy ( which is thicken with corn starch – mazina) so that it’s not dry to eat.

  1.  Avoid strong flavoured foods – curry, chilli, garlic, vinegar, chutney, tomato sauce etc.

  1. Avoid any fatty foods – fat of meat, skin of chicken, full fat products, cremora, restrict any processed meats – viennas and polony.
Good fats to include in moderate amounts are: tinned fish ( tuna in brine), avocado pear, smooth peanut butter. These fats are rich in essential fatty acids and energy.

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